what could possibly happen next?


My man James be comin round!

My man James came by to see me today! OMG he is so beautiful and lovely and chubby and smiley and he smiles with his eyes just like I do and he was sticking his tongue out at me and he felt so good when I held him and he tastes even better cuz I was kissing him and you know that baby smell that is so wonderful he has that going on too. I signed a paper today giving guardianship to his grandpa, that way Alabama can't come and take him away with her into her fucked up world. Grandpa was saying that so far in the month and a half I haven't seen or talked to her she has had a gun pulled on her and had the shit beat out of her by her ex. Nice. I could see why she would want to live like that. What's sad is that I really could, I've been there. But I'm not no more, and there is a huge smile on my face right now just thinking how my life isn't fucked up like that anymore. The longer that I've stayed clean the more heineious? my life back then seems. I tell ya, I haven't had one gun pulled on me or had the shit beaten out of me or nothing like that in 4 months! That's right, 4 months! It's all good.....