what could possibly happen next?


When genres collide...

Alabama is trying to make me crazy. Just in time for me to go to hollywood. She took off with Jamie last night.... hey, you know what? Fuck this! I KNOW that this is going to happen so I am going to stop whining about it and resign myself to the fact that this is the way she's going to be. I can choose to accept it, like the sick freak that I am, or be a strong human being, that has some respect for himself, and just let her go. What do you think that I am gonna do? It's so goooooood you guys. I have such a hard time letting it go. Do you know how hard it is to find someone that actually makes you THAT crazy with desire? sigh. I'm sure that ya do. I am not unique in this particular human condition. The thing is, I could go ahead and fuck 100 girls and not find whatever that...that...."thing" is that I like so much about her. It's nothing in particular. I mean there are particulars that I like, but it's like the complete package with her. It's really just a sex thing. Otherwise, I don't think that we have anything in common, except for James. He's a great thing to have in common though. It's funny. I went to see Ron's other band Elridge play a couple of months back. A couple of girls that went to the show commented to us that Ron's band seemed like they really liked themselves alot. We laugh about that all the time, because 66ohm is such the opposite of that. We really seem to loathe ourselves. Much self hatred going on in our band. Bunch of brooders and malcontents. How I love it. Let's drink to our misery and toast our melancholy. It ought to be an interesting show Wednesday. When opposites collide. happy vs. sad. Bright vs. Dark. If you hear of a black hole opening up and swallowing hollywood whole you will know what happened.