what could possibly happen next?


Oh yeah, it's supposed to be like this

What an awesome weekend. I didn't do anything Friday night but rest so I could be ready for Jessie on Saturday. Saturday came and Jessie came by about 12:30pm. We went over to her house and kicked it, watching the end of the padres game. Then we had sex. Then I met her mom and dad. LOL, I was a sweaty mess. I'm sure that it was pretty obvious. Her parents are hippie like folk so I'm sure they weren't tripping. She made this rad dinner for us. Steak, twice baked potatoes, and Ceasar Salad. We went and got a couple of movies, one about this horse and his rider called Hidalgo and the other was the Coen brother movie with Katherine Zeta-Jone(rawr) and George Clooney. We did it again and then fell asleep about 11:30pm. Was just wonderful waking up with her in the morning. We laid there and talked and I told her about Alabama and James. I hadn't told her about that yet and it was getting to the point where I really like her and don't want to keep any secrets from her. She was just way cool about it. I was supposed to go to breakfast with my Dad and Sis. I called my dad and asked if it was cool if Jessie came along and he said yes. I asked her if she wanted to go and she was down with it. Cruised up to Ramona (it was beautiful, It's starting to cool off down here) talking, laughing and listening to the black crowes. Had breakfast with the family and Jessie just rocked. She's so personable and friendly, just awesome to be around. The only bad thing that happened was that she got some gnarly rug burns on her back from the first time we did it saturday afternoon. I mean GNARLY! I felt terrible. After breakfast, we cruised back down to my house cuz Grace was coming at 2pm. It was really hard to say goodbye to her. I'm really digging her. She's really digging me. Gracie came over a little early and just hung out. We had a good time playing with all the kitties at my house. We also played some polly pockets and some barbie online. Yeah, me playing barbie. From hard core porn to playing barbie with my kid in one fell entry. That's me! She just took off. Grace, that is. She is awesome too. Great weekend.