what could possibly happen next?


Dusting myself off

Opening my eyes. Check. Feeling myself for any cuts or broken bones. Check. Checking to make sure I still have wallet. Check. Standing up. Check. Dusting myself off. Check. I guess that I'm ok. Just a big ol' bruise on the old ego. It will heal. Still haven't heard from her and I'm not calling. Why in the world would I want to? I have enough women that have my CHILDREN that treat me like that. Let's take what good we can out of this. 1. Alabama is out of the rear view mirror now. That is DEFINITELY a good thing. 2. I'm back to working hard at work instead of just going through the motions. It will be nice to have money again. 3. I made it through all this without hurting myself physically or psychologicly which is amazing for me. 4. I got a new shirt (present from her for my birthday). I lost a shirt to her (Left at her house, it was one of my favorites) so I guess I just break even on that one.

What else have I learned? The problem with dating on the internet (well, one of them anyway) is there are no ties that make you have to at least be responsible to the other person's feelings. You can just dissapear. You don't share the same job or friends or even aquaintances. If you wake up one day and decide that you don't want to see that person anymore, don't answer the phone. Don't return e-mails. Just go on about your life. Usually that works towards my favor, this time I just have to suck it up and let it go. I don't need to know what happened. Whatever it was, I probably don't want to know. I really got hit with a karma strike last night. I was talking to Vegas girl last night. She was telling me that she wasn't going to come out because I'm too indecisive. So, I started saying "Aw, come on, you know we'll have fun." Then she hits me with it. "Aren't you forgetting that last year you basically rejected me?" My response was: "Yes, I'm trying to forget that. You should too." See how I am? When you hear me cry about how maligned I am by women, just remember that I probably deserve it. Payback sucks.