what could possibly happen next?


Viva Las Vegas!

Las Vegas baby! That's what I'm talking 'bout. What happens there, stays there! Unless, of course, you know some wacked out dude in San Diego that compulsively tells on himself. When? December 10th weekend. That's when! Who? Vegas girl. Why? Cuz she asked me Where? In her bed, on the couch, in her hot tub, on the floor, etc. It should be good. Neither one of us is currently in a relationship. She is so unbelievably sexy. I am really stoked. She even offered to pay half my ticket. What a sweetie! I really don't think she knows how sexy I think that she is. It's nice to know that she thinks the same of me also. How about this over 100 words on Vegas and I didn't even mention gambling? That's funny to me. Mood: ecstatic.