what could possibly happen next?


Dark days for Alabama

Well, Alabama finally did it. She took off with the ex today. But without my man James. Thank God for her dad. He told her if she tried to take him that he would call the police. I told him that if she did take him I would call the police. Sick fuckin' freaks. They can't even take care of their own kids and they want to take mine with them into their crystal smokin, car stealin, motel living bullshit? Fuck them! I hope they fucking die! I really do. I sound more angry than I really am though. I'm actually relieved that she will be out of the picture for awhile. I went over there last night and I could just tell. She was ready to take off. I think that she could tell that I was done with her as well. There's nothing there. I love James but all she really was when I get down to brass tacks is a good fuck. Me being on drugs definitely didn't help matters, probably why I was so messed up about her when she started taking off. What I think she really wants is to keep me and Jamie away from developing other relatonships with other women. (jamie is the ex's name.) So I am off to go make coffee for my NA meeting tonight. Check this out, someone actually asked me to sponsor them yesterday. What a sponsor does is helps guide another addict through the steps. I know, stop laughing! Truth is though, I really felt honored by him asking me to be his sponsor. Maybe I am doing something right finally. Even with all the bullshit that has been flying around me lately, I have been able to not to step up into the middle of it and be an idiot. I have kept my composure and my dignity, that alone speaks volumes I guess. By the way, my little diary, (no comments from the peanut gallery) I think I have a little crush on someone that I have been IM'ing on the computer. God help me! lol