what could possibly happen next?



What a lazy do-nothing day. I mean NOTHING! Watched the USA get their ass kicked by Puerto Rico. That was about the extent of it. Took no drugs and drank no alcohol. About 8 or 9 days now. Who gives a shit. Can you see how exciting all of this is for me? Haven't heard from Alabama either. That is a plus. I'm still feeling completely detatched from my life. How did Sheryl Crowe put it? "I am living on caffiene and nicotine. I'm a stranger in my own life. I keep wondering if all these things are ever really, ever really happening." Or something like that. Yeah, I am now using Cheryl Crowe (how in the hell do you spell that anyway?) lyrics to express how I am feeling. How about, "I feel like I am going to explode? I'm so dizzy most of the time that I don't make sense to myself. I'm terrified of going out in public. I just want one little line...." That's not a song of hers. That's me. That's how I'm doing... Oh, and I'm hot and sweaty too. And lonely. But not really. More like, sad and missing other times in my life that were more joyful than what I am now living. Cheers to bad decisions.