what could possibly happen next?


Getting Better All The Time

I think I might be starting to snap out of it. Didn't sleep at work all day today and had a decent day. Not much to report on the life front since I don't have one right now. Think that I will go to the el cajon na meeting tomorrow night. Oh, I did talk to ______ on yahoo last night. Remember her? She's got a boyfriend now but was kind enought to flash her breasts to me on her web cam. Hey, the way things are going for me right now, I ain't complaining. About all the action I can handle right now. Doing laundry tonight so I will be fresh and clean tomorrow. Called Kelly (Rachel's mom) to see if she had heard from my wayward daughter. No. She hadn't. Running around with drug dealers. My kid. God, I dread the day I get a phone call saying she's dead or really badly hurt. It's not a pretty world out there. None of us are immune from the evil of this world. Especially those of us that choose to court it. Please, if ya pray, or believe in something, say a prayer for her. She could use it.