what could possibly happen next?



Please don't look at the time of this entry. It's not really 8:45pm on a saturday night. I'm not really sitting here typing because I have nothing to do and nowhere to go. Really. Oh, geez. My nose is growing. Ya got me. I did venture outside today though. Went up to the beautiful Barona Valley Ranch & Casino out in the foothills. Had a beautiful bus ride. Played poker for about 3 hours, lost $80 bucks and headed back down. At least I got out of the house. My padres finally gained a game on the cubs and giants. Only a game back in the wild card. It's pretty warm down here. I'm sweating as I am typing this. Which is nice since the water is off. No shower. No laundry. I really need a haircut too. I'm thinking of shaving all the crap off of my face when the water comes back on. Just be clean shaven for a bit. The only thing about that is that I end up looking like I am in my early 20's. I know. That's not supposed to be a bad thing. I like looking old and scary and not young and vulnerable. Thank god for my tattoos. Alright, I have absolutely nothing of interest to talk about. I miss #1, groovebunny, anna, and anyone else who has taken off this week and left me without entertainment. blah.