what could possibly happen next?


Re: RE: Last Night

Here is the e-mail that I wrote back. I don't know if it was the right things to say but it was my best shot.

Hey Jess,

Whatcha doing? I hope that you are feeling better. Yeah, I watched a whole lotta football yesterday. Chargers opened up with a big win! That was good. The Padres were fun to watch also. I really am sorry that you are tripping. I really do like you and want to see you again. Not because of sex. Because I think that you are rad and really enjoyed hanging out with you. Let me know if there's anything I can do to make you feel better. If it means taking it slow that's fine by me. I think you're worth it. I hope that you are having an awesome day. I want to call and talk to you so let me know when you are o.k. with that. I don't really understand being a woman, but I do understand being human. I have lots of fears and issues myself so I'm not angry or anything about any of that. I just want you to be well. Talk to ya soon, I hope!


That's it. Let's see what happens.