what could possibly happen next?


drunken friday ramblings

OK. I always start off with ok, don't I. I'm an idiot. Or, I will be an idiot tomorrow. Johnny Damon to be exact. That shall be my halloween costume for the party tomorrow. How easy? Long hair, beard like jesus, red sox cap, baseball paraphenalia, yeah I know it's not spelled right, but give me a break. Went to the bar after work. Threw a couple back. I love the Cal club. People are forever buying me drinks there. Thank you, wonderful people at the bar. Without you, I would never have gotten the wonderful buzz that I am feeling now. God bless you. Oh Lissa, I have a cow song from my band also. When I am sober and my hands are working correctly I will type it. Or, maybe I'll just sing a version of it on my audioblog. Maybe I'll do both. It's a free country, goddammit. Unless, of course, you vote for Bush on tuesday. Then all bets are off. I'll see you in the "patriot camp."