what could possibly happen next?



Well. Some things that I love about being a mature man. I didn't take the Chargers loss to heart. I think as far as my sports teams go I'm becoming this word. Stoic. I should look it up and get the definition to make sure. Make sure I'm spelling it right also. Hold on.

someone who is seemingly indifferent to emotions
seeming unaffected by pleasure or pain; impassive; "stoic courage"; "stoic patience"; "a stoical sufferer

A school of thought founded in Athens by Zeno of Citium (336-263 BCE). Stoics taught that divine wisdom (logos) permeated the universe as an ordering principle. Knowledge of this wisdom leads to harmony with nature. Enduring hardship was seen as a test of character. Stoic or stoic-like elements are to be found in several Old and New Testament works.

Yes indeed. Stoic am I. Instead of greeks, however, I picture myself as a viking looking out on the horizon in the middle of the ocean with a blizzard blowing around me, 12 foot waves crashing on the deck, and my fellow vikings running desperately around trying to keep our ship afloat. I, the great STOIC viking, gaze ahead into the fiere arctic winds, snow and ice in my beard and hair. Focused. Knowing. Secure in my destiny. I feel that way in my life most of the time. Of course, I get curve balls thrown at me all the time, let's see the stupid viking in the aformentioned scenario deal with crazy southern women and their idiot ex husbands. He would be looking more like Hagar the horrible.

Work went so much better today. I just relaxed and let it happen instead of trying to force it. Whalah! My kids came through like champs. Today I'm happy. I think I'm just happy. I think I'm just happy. I think I'm dumb. (who knows what that's from for bonus bub points?)