what could possibly happen next?


It's Friday, I'm in love (Have I used this before? sigh)

Wow! My boy Ronnie has been writing like a madman. Relatively speaking. Check him out at on-and-so-on. I think that's it. I just click on the link in my buddy list. You could also. Another blah day over this way. Raining like crazy. Got off at about noon today which pleased me to no end. I played some online poker and won $60. Yay me! Alabama bought herself a car. A car that doesn't go in reverse. Hmmm. Makes sense to me. In a philosophical way. Don't look back. Always move forward. I think it's kind of stupid in a practical way. But the interior's nice. Which counts for something. We will look good as we are wondering how to get out of whatever tight spot she gets us into. Which also fits her philosophical bent.

I just finished a delicious chinese dinner. Here's my fortune: "You can depend on the trust of the collective." IN BED!!!!! I think that my fortune means piles of hot, sweaty, naked bodies. It also could mean that I got the rare COMMUNIST chinese fortune cookie.

Alabama says she's coming over in the forward only car to visit me. We'll see. I'll probably end up sitting here. I don't mind. I'm just killing time anyway.