what could possibly happen next?


Valentine, bloody valentine

Oh dear valentine, how I....blech! OK, the official stupidest holiday of the year can commence. I don't like it when I'm single or seeing someone. If you are single you are less than and if you are a couple you are obligated. I'm sure that there will be many more words typed to this same effect on blogs throughout the country. I'll let them take care of it. I can't wait to blog explode later. I'll probably throw up.

Last night was rough. Gene and the wife were fighting. I was woken up from a sound sleep about 1 in the morning. "Let's go, bub". Me: "uhhh...what?" Gene: "We have to go. C'mon." Me: "O.K." Me thinking: WHATTHEFUCKNOTAGAINITSONEOCLOCKINTHEFUCKINGMORNING!

So we go for a ride. He tells me how things aren't working out for his marriage. I know that's true. They fought before we left. Lots of yelling and screaming. Which is actually pretty normal around here. Eventually he decides to come back home and I go back to sleep. This is all in about an hour's time frame. Except now I'm freaked out. I can't not know if I have a place to sleep. I can't have it hinge on whether they are getting along or not.

Today nothing was said about nothing. I'm still freaked out. I'm looking for somewhere new to live. Hopefully I will have to the end of the month so I can put money away. Alabama mentioned me staying with her at her Dad's. Jumping from the frying pan straight into the fire, no? Stay tuned....