what could possibly happen next?


march 1st

Alright. I'm going to make a more serious attempt at writing in this thing again. I don't know why. I have 10 months today clean. What's been happening? I'm not sure of my last updates so here goes. I moved into my old roomate John's house that he bought. Ya know, the guy that had to put up with me and Alabama when I was living in Mission Valley. He bought a house in San Carlos and asked if I wanted to rent the extra room. Hmmmm, couch surfing at Heather's or my own room? Easy choice.

Can I tell you it's nice to have my own room and privacy again? My demeanor has completely changed. I'm much more relaxed and rested. One of the reasons that I've decided to give my diary a serious go again. I have time to think.

On the romance front, things are getting really serious with Khattie. She is taking the steps to have her marriage annulled. (In the philippines, there's no such thing as divorce.) Annulment is a long, arduous process. We will see how that goes. We talk everyday. She is one of the coolest, funniest people I have ever talked to. I hope it's not just because it seems so impossible that I want this so bad. I'm not always sure about my motivation for things, even clear headed.