what could possibly happen next?


Goody Goody Two Shoes

Did I mention that I quit smoking? I had my last cigarette on Sunday at 10 am in the morning. I'm looking forward to blowing up like a bloated pig. There's that and of course all the insecurities that I was trying to supress with my smoking. Thank God for the patch, or I might end up killing people. So now I am a straight square. No drinkie. No smokie. No druggie. One thing that I am looking forward to is when I finally get off the patch is that I am going to finally know what it feels like to be just me again. Like I was when I was a young teenager. A young, fat teenager. Which will be different because I was so skinny when I was a kid. I'm not feeling that bad really.

In other news Letty is officially my girlfriend now. I just think that she is wonderful. She leaves me e-mail messages like twice a day. NICE ones that make me feel good. I do the same for her. Tuesday and Wednesday I spent with her. After work I mean. Finally, someone that makes me happy that's not a freak show.