what could possibly happen next?


Spontanaity (how in the world do you spell that?)

Getting a tattoo is not as easy as you would think it is. My idea is that you would walk into a tattoo shop, tell the guy what you want, he quotes you a price and then ya go to work. Oh no, that would be much to simple. Personally, I love spontaneous(?) things, just going and doing something at the spur of the moment. I call cowboy ron on saturday.

bub: Dude, let's go get tattoos! Right now, I am jonesing for it and I got the money!

ron: ummm, hold on, call the shop and then call me back, I may have plans tonight with ..... but if I do, tomorrow!

bub: (all excited) ok! call ya back!

2 hours later, I don't call shop, thinking if ron can't go it's a waste of time anyway. Instead, I call ron back...

bub: what's up? Is it a go? (happy like a puppy dog)

ron: ummm, I am going over to ..... for her birthday, call me tomorrow, did you call the shop to see when Dutch has got time?

bub: ummm, no, but I will do that...

ron:ok, call me tomorrow and let me know what's up.....

bub: (kinda sheepdoggish) ok, I'll call ya tomorrow....

Sunday: a day full of playing guitar, losing in poker tournament, talking on internet to #1, getting hate mail from the girl I went out with on thursday, watching padres make incredible comeback against d-backs (HA! Arizona sucks, only redeeming factor is torrid soap opera between lissa and El Toro) reading and responding to all your journals and notes, plus my new journal (yes, I am a freak, blame it on lulublu). Never call Dutch....

Monday: call ronnie about 10:30am

bub: whatcha doin?

ron: not much, getting ready to work...


ron: Yes, I remember bub, did you call dutch?

bub: (a little crestfallen) ummm, no.

ron: call me back....(hang up)

I call the shop, Dutch isn't in, the dude can't quote a price on the phone, but he said there were artists working today so I call cowboy back.

bub: hey....

ron: did you call Dutch?

bub: yeah, but he wasn't there, let's go anyway, I don't give a ....,(stupid cyber patrol censoring) I want to get my tattoo!

ron: why don't we wait unt-...

bub: NO! I don't want to wait, I want a tattoo! I want a tattoo! I want a tat-...

ron: OK! meet me up the street, I'm working over by your office, and we'll go over there, although I think...

bub: I'll be right there! WHOOO-HOOOO!

I run over to where he's doing a bid, talk to him and bugnick (actual phone number, how cool is that) and then we split over to where I'm staying to get money and head over to El Cajon (I'm in La Mesa for those who know the area) and then we head over to the shop. Get there, walk up the stairs and into sheer stupidity. How exactly do you go about asking for a tattoo, and to whom do you talk?

Conversation #1 with dude that looks like he works there:

bub: I would like a tattoo, please

dude #1: (staring at me blankly) oh....

bub: I want a rosary on my arm (showing him how I want it laid on my arm) with a crucifix and space so I can put my mom's name on there later on.

dude #1:oh...hmmm

bub: Can you do that? Do you know what a rosary is?

dude #1: well, kinda, maybe you can find some flash art over there...(points to flash books, about 7 thick ones)

bub: (getting frustrated) alright, let me look....

Go look in flash books, I find 2 shithole rosaries that aren't what I want. Go downstairs to find Ron. He's changing his tail lights. "dude, these guys are retarted, let's go to your house and get exactly what I want off the internet."

ron: alright, I'm just changing my tail lights....

bub: ok....

After watching ron ....(gdmed cyb...whatever) with his tail lights for about 5 minutes I go, "let me do it." BAM! I knock it out in about 5 minutes.

bub: "ok, let's go!"

we jump in his buddy's truck to go over to ronnie's house. We get there, I say hi to scott, pet the cat-dog, show John (our buddy) some ....... (wow they censored that) fellatio pics that were sent to me from a friend, then get the pictures that I want. Black wooden beads and the proper diagram for a rosary. Go back to the shop:

tattoo conversation #2:

bub: I would like to get a tattoo please...

dude #2:ok, what do you want?

bub: I would like a rosary with these beads (show picture of beads, describe where I want them, etc) how much?

dude #2: A couple of hundred bucks, it shouldn't be that hard (if it's not that hard, why are you charging me a couple of hundred bucks then? I had figured about that much, but I was already irked at my spontaneous adventure)

bub:cool, let's do it....

dude #2: Only thing is I won't be able to get to you until late, hey dude #1 what are you doing?

dude #1: I'm outta here in about 5 minutes..

bub:(staring incredulously at these guys) alright, I'll come back later...

walk down the stairs, look at ron and say: "f these guys(and f u cyber patrol, for editing me). Let's come back tomorrow and have dutch do it. (actually, ron said that, but I'm taking credit for my own lack of control.) ron: "let's go to starbucks."

bub: "mmmmm, frappachino..." Happy once again.