what could possibly happen next?



I miss work. At least it's something to do for 8 hours a day. Maybe I'll go sit in a coffeeshop. I've been waiting to hear from Alabama (I do that alot). What I think I need is a good lawyer. I will have to convince Pixie to reconsider her career direction. There are too many goddamned arists as there is, what the world needs is artistic lawyers. Besides, who wants to live the miserable life. Poverty, drug addiction, alcoholism, wild sex with insane people, that's what artists get. I'd like a fat paycheck so I could move to france. Order myself up a royal with cheese, monsieur? Besides, I hear I am the spitting image of some guy in France that is their Robert De Niro. Imagine all the mistaken sex I could get with that going on. The other thing I wish is that I wasn't so goddamned responsible. I can't wait till my mid-life crisis kicks in and I just take off and go "find" myself. Problem is I don't feel lost, I feel very, very, found. Reality. The ultimate drug. Ugh...