what could possibly happen next?


catching up

Oh, it's 4:30 on a friday and I have no plans. Probably will go to a meeting tonight. Alabama dissapeared right after she came over and fucked me. How nice. I'm so getting used to it that if she did anything different I would be shocked. She's about 2 weeks away from her due date. God, even that far along and I still think her pussy (is that rude? oh well, it's my diary) is just the most wonderful thing I have ever been in. I love when she cums, and it squirts and gushes all over me. On my dick, my fingers, in my mouth, mmmmm. I think I am going to have to start abstaining it as well though. I need to move on from it. No feelings of love or wanting to continue a relationship with her. I don't even miss HER, just the sex with her. I totally blew off ______ the other day. She was trying to IM me and I just ignored her. She's another one that's full of shit. Tired of dealing with people that are full of shit, or at least more full of shit than I am. Big poker game at work tomorrow. Maybe I will win a bunch of money and go to Vegas! Speaking of which, I heard from MS. Vegas herself. Talked to her on the phone last week and she just e-mailed me saying that she wants me to come out and hit it! Whoo-hooo! She was hot! And responsible! A grown-up! All the things that I'm not, sigh. That's why I went with Alabama, she was as retarted as I am (even more so, though I didn't know it at the time). But very, very cute and fun. Top 5 set of breasts I've ever had the pleasure to come in contact with. (Which is saying alot, lol). Natural too. Please don't dive into the bub pool right now, it's very shallow. It's also nice to be sitting at home typing this. I love being able to journal. Oh, and my past entries from bub66ohm are fixed too. Thanks to whoever e-mailed the diaryland folks. Was a lovely letter, exactly like I would have wrote it. I would put a link up to my old diary but I would probably just mess it up cuz I'm a stupid, shallow, vain MAN!!!!! Word up to Miss- 2k, ya fuckin' rock! bye!