what could possibly happen next?


friday blues

I really liked my last entry. Alot. I keep going back and looking at it. Not much going on this way. Went to work, came home. Now I'm sitting here trying to decide if I should do anything tonight. My options seem severely limited. Movie maybe? Meeting perchance? Casino? No. Bar? No. Date? Hardly. Baseball game? Possibility. Sit at home and be bored stiff? Highly likely. Hmmm, what about a coffeeshop? Interesting. Not Starbucks, but a real coffeeshop with artsy folks in it. This is going to be some next couple of weeks. No Groovebunny to chat with or read. Anna's going to Yellowstone till the 30th. No band practice. I'm trying not to go to the casino so I don't see connects. I guess that I could play my guitar but that even is boring to me right now. I think sometimes that I am looking for reasons to use. I think that if I do anything tonight it will be to go to a meeting. It's safe there. I feel uncomfortable there a lot of the time. I'm not real good at chit-chatty bullshit. I prefer to say nothing than to prattle on like an idiot. Except on here. I think that I come off as maybe a little unnaproachable? Intense? I don't know what the fuck.