what could possibly happen next?


Poker Champion of Viejas (at least for one night).

I did it! I finally did it! I won the whole damn thing! The Wednesday night poker tournament championship is mine! As well as the $503 first prize that comes along with it. I took out 260 people on my way to the #1 spot. It's really huge bragging rights at work as most of us go or have gone a couple times. Now, the thing is this. I'm not drinking. I'm not doing drugs. I'm not even really gambling (I don't think of poker as gambling. I know it is but their is a skill level to it and you are playing against other people and not against the house with it's competitive edge.) So I have $400 bucks left. I tipped the dealers $50 and gave the guys I went with $50. Maybe I will go to vegas for that big tournament at the beginning of September. It's a $500 dollar buy-in but I get a free room for 3 days and 2 nights. The Imperial Palace is where the tournament is located. I think first place is something like $70,000. That would be nice. I probably won't though. I'm trying to do better with the whole money management thing. OK, that's it. I'm excited and tired. I'm going to try to go to sleep.