what could possibly happen next?


Great date!

I had a great time last night. Jessie is wonderful. Beautiful, smart and funny. We went over to da Bronx for pizza. Bronx Pizza has got to be the tastiest pizza in San Diego. We hit it off and then met her friends down in P.B. It was her best friend's birthday. Hung out at the bar for a bit and then went back over to the friend's house in Clairmont to play cards. They were drinking so we decided to stay the night there. We slept in the guest bedroom. OK, there wasn't too much sleeping going on. Pix, I tried the 5 date rule but when I'm lying in bed with a beautiful woman I lose all willpower. She looked really good naked. Felt good too. Tasted delicious. LOL. She had guitar class this morning at 9 so we took off from there about 8 and made our way home. Here I am. It was great and now I need some coffee. Like pronto. I'm supposed to go to the NA convention tonight so I don't want to miss that.