what could possibly happen next?


January 2nd, 2005

I'm a little late with the New Year's entry. That's because there isn't much to report. New Year's eve I shunned the Dresden Dolls for Alabama. I shouldn't have. Not because I didn't have a good time with Alabama(she has been on her bestest behavior ever, at least since we first started dating), because I shouldn't push aside things that I want to do. It was really a money issue more than anything else. Plus, it's been cold as hell down here and hanging outside in the rain and the cold until midnight wasn't my idea of a good time. At Alabama's we just kicked back. Her Dad's friend (not jim but a woman, who knows?) suggested the casino but no one was really into drinking and driving. Alabama turned me on to some opium which is such a good high. I'd only done it once before with my friend Mike and we smoked it. This was a liquid form and I have to say, I was high! I melted into the couch for a good part of the night. We watched "boogie nights". It ended about 1 minute before the strike of midnight. Alabama and I kissed at midnight and then we went to bed and had sex. Sex on opium is good as well. Did I mention that my beautiful son loves me now. He is starting to know who I am and gets excited when he sees me. I love having him crawling all over me in the morning. He's happy and I'm happy and the whole world is fucken happy. My Man James is da bomb! I left late saturday morning and have been pretty much sleeping on and off the rest of this weekend. Blame it on coming down. Blame it on my new year's resolution of not overspending, sticking to a budget. Tomorrow is work. I'm going to sleep because I am beat. Hopefully my lethargy will give way to being able to keep my eyes open soon.