what could possibly happen next?


Male Sex Slave

First full day of work. First day of having a sales crew to be in charge of. I'm really not much into being the boss. I do love training people though. It's fun to teach somebody how to make a living who might otherwise be flipping burgers or dealing drugs or digging ditches for a living. In fact, I must love it because I'm not making that much more money for doing it. Where I score is on the back end when the accounts pay and I get them back to resell. So it works out in the long run but there has to be a long run. Today was a little slow. One of the guys didn't show up and he's probably one of my best workers. Hopefully he'll show up tomorrow. As for me, I'm feeling much more awake than I have been. I feel like I've been coming down more than anything lately. Which is a different kinda feeling in itself. Not a bad feeling if you like to sleep or at least have the luxury of just sleeping. I don't have that luxury. Maybe the opium on friday helped me come off of that a little bit because I wasn't that tired today. Now, for those afraid of me becomin some freak opium addict, let me allay your fears. It seemed kinda fun in a "something to do on New Year's Eve" kinda way. But not in the "Gee, I'd like to do this everyday for the rest of my life until I end up a sex slave in an opium den in the middle of Pakistan" kinda way. OK, if I get to be a sex slave I'm in. I think that I'm past my prime as far as that goes, (at least in a commercialy viable way, a private sex slave I might be able to do) so I will stick with my main drugs of choice. At least until they start smacking me around. Other than that, I'm just waiting for saturday when my beloved Chargers participate in their first playoff game in 10 years! I'm so excited! It's a fun town when the local team is riding high. Never let it be said that San Diego isn't a fair weather sports town. Everybody's on the bandwagon. I don't mind. I'm glad everyone is enjoying it. I know I am. I have to get My Man James a little charger knit cap to watch the game on saturday. Maybe a chargers sweatshirt. And a chargers bottle. A bolt bottle! yes! Ok, I'm rambling now. I hope everyone is safe from all their New Year's revelry. Seems so.